Common symptoms of migraine are, blurry vision, vomiting, photo phobia (Light Sensitivity), sono phobia ( Sound Sensitivity), dizziness, nausea etc. Rarely some may come in to a state of unconsciousness.
There are so many ways to reduce Migraine. So, it's better if you get to know them. Because, there's no way to hide from a Migraine, but to fight it.
- Drink more water
We'll start easy. Drinking water calm your body and freshens it. Drinking more water doesn't mean the way you used to drink. One glass for each half an hour, will do the magic.
When you feel a migraine coming on, take a full glass of water. It will stop migraine in its tracks. - Eat Regularly
Don't miss, not even a single meal. Eat at the correct time. And, take a snack with you where ever you're going to satisfy instant hungers.
Eating regularly will reduce blood pressure. For people who fast periodically for religious reasons will have to take preventive medications. - Biofeedback and Muscle Relaxation
It's not good to use most of migraine medications for children and pregnant women. So, using biofeedback and muscle relaxation techniques may be helpful.
A whole body massage can do miracles. Because, migraine may come from stress. So, massage is an A-Lister for stress-killing. - Exercise Regularly
Staying active can help you. When you're in middle of migraine attack, it may seem quite foolish to suggest to go to gym. But, that's certainly not. Researches say that some people could go out for a jog and avoid migraine altogether, because it relaxes the mind and body. And also it relieves stress. For that, aerobic exercises play a major role. However, being physically active will help you fight migraine. - Rest
When you feel a coming on migraine, take some time to relieve your mind. apply a balm and rub your temples smoothly. Whatever seems to calm you down, do that! - Take a long shower
Many people feel hot and cloudy when they are in the middle of migraine. So, making the feelings opposite will do some trick. Take a long shower or warm your body in the bathtub while cooling your head with an ice pack. These simple tricks will reduce some of the pain. - Consult a Doctor
As always, the far better source for advising on treating your migraine is your own Migraine Specialist. First try to fight migraine with the recommendations above. But, you should begin no medications or supplements without first checking with your physician. - Herbs and Supplements
You must be choosy considering following steps. If the patient is a child or a pregnant lady, these steps must be taken after consulting a doctor.
- Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Taking Vitamin B2 will reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Although this is safe, high dosage may develop diarrhea. - Magnesium
Mg helps relaxing your blood vessels and will relieve your body even - Fever few
Fever few is said to be the most efficacious herbal to fight headaches. However, over usage can cause side effects - Fish oil
Fish oil supplements are available as capsules, soft gels, liquids, tablets etc. You can obtain fish oil by eating fish including:- Mackerel
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Mullet
- Bluefish
Fish oil helps you to reduce inflammation, blood clotting and lowers blood pressure. - Ginger
This spice is quite famous for being friendly to upset-stomachs. Ginger is believed for its ability to stimulate muscle contractions and control inflammation.
- Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
- Meditation
A quiet meditation practice will certainly give your mind a boost. It's a way of reaping benefits of stress-reducing.
So that, meditation can be used to ease the pain of migraine too.
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